Common buttons
Undo latest edit step
Redo latest edit step
Zoom to fit, zoom factor will be set to fit document into window
Zoom in, enlarge view
Zoom out, reduce view
Display help in webbroser
Easy Mode Buttons

Three simple steps to fill a composite:
1. Open a template
2. Drag and drop image files to the appropiate layers
3. Save the created image to a file
Document Buttons

Create a new template document
Open a document
Open a document that was recently used
Save document
Save document with a new file name
Edit document properties
Clipboard Buttons

Cut selected layer(s) to clipboard
Copy selected layer(s) to clipboard
Paste layer(s) from clipboard
Copy properties from first selected layer to clipboard
Paste properties to selected layer(s) of identical layer type
Layer Buttons

Add a new Text layer
Add a new Rectangle layer
Add a new Ellipse layer
Add a new Image layer
Add a new QR Code / Barcode layer
Add a new Composite layer
Resize selected layer(s) to fill complete document surface NEW
Delete selected layer(s)
Alignment Buttons

Align selected layer(s) to themselves or to page:
Align selected layers left
Align selected layers vertically centered
Align selected layers right
Align selected layers top
Align selected layers horizontally centered
Align selected layers bottom
Distribute selected layer(s) evenly:
View/Misc Buttons

Show/hide grid
Show/hide layer list
Show/hide Property editor
Show/hide Placeholders
Limit moving layers to page bounds
Output Buttons

Save template as image
Turn preview of composite layers on
Turn preview of composite layers off